锐霸工具RuiBa是一家专门研发、制造、销售充电式工具的企业。涵盖充电式锂电穿线机,全自动拉线穿线器,充电式锂电钻,充电式锂电扳手,充电式锂电锤,激光水平仪,充电式锂电角磨机,充电式锂电铁皮剪,电式锂电树枝剪等工业级电动工具。 为ISO9001:2008认证企业,产品品质达到ANSI(美国)标准及DIN(德国)标准。锐霸工具RuiBa采用国际先进管理方法,力求为客户提供最优质的产品和服务。锐霸工具(RuiBa)力求技术创新,产品以高品质、耐使用、外观新颖、性能优质准时交货、诚信服务而获得国内外客商的一致好评。

锐霸工具RuiBa主打穿线机,全自动拉线穿线器,锂电电动穿线机,锐霸工具RuiBa穿线机采用无刷电机,拉力强劲,坚固耐用,操作简单,电动穿线机作为水电工装修拉线引线神器,具有保护线皮,快速高效,省心省力的优势,锐霸穿线机最大拉力为130KG,可穿过30米6个90度直角,超长待机6小时,工作效率提高3倍,锐霸穿线机具有独家专利,致力于通过创新思维,研究开发新产品,不断改进产品性能和质量。 我们创新的一个重要来源来自尊贵客户的反馈。 通过了解和预测客户对未来的需求,我们尽可能研发适合其需求的产品。

Ruiba Tools Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in R&D, manufacturing and sales of rechargeable tools and optoelectronic products .The company mainly produces:lithium wire threading Lithium battery products and optoelectronic products such as lithium,  lithium electric angle grinder , lithium electric drill , lithium electric hammer . The basis of advanced technology equipment . In the above , the use of int-ernational advanced management methods , and strive to provide customers with the highest quality products and services. Rechargeable products produced by the company And optoelectronic products have won unanimous praise from domestic and foreign merchants. At present, the company's products are based on excellent quality , novel appearance and high quality and reliable performance .Bestselling in major cities in China and Hong Kong and Macao, and exported to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe and the United States and other places.

In the development of Ruiba adhering to the "practical, hard work,responsibility business philosophy, and in good faith,win-win, and create abusinessphilosophy,Create a good corporate environment, with a new magement model, perfect technology, though-tful service, excellent quality as the root of survival Ben , we always adhere to the user first, serve customers with heartand impress customers with their own services, with100% confidence.With enthusiasm , we will work together to create the sharpest brand that you and 1 have the highest quality.

